Spit and Spirits

Posts Tagged ‘greeting

So Should We Slap, Shake, Kiss, Hug, Or Ignore?

with 6 comments

This is the section were we get to have a bitch about what’s pissing us off right now. It’ll always be posted on Monday, just to coincide with the best day of the week – if you’re still drunk from a roaring Sunday session. If not, it’s because Mondays have a tendency to totally blow.

Feel free to comment about what’s pissing you off right now.


"I think my hand is near your penis."

This is something that happens in my life almost every day. Countless times every day.

It’s the simple handshake. But, it’s not simple is it.

Whose hand do you shake? Whose hand don’t you shake? When do you kiss a girl on the cheek? Is shaking a girl’s hand considered rude? Is hugging another man in public weird?

It happens to everyone. You know, that moment when you second guess yourself just before you go to shake hands or kiss someone’s cheek, and there’s that second of not knowing what to do. You know it. The other person knows it. It’s fucking awkward.

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Written by Jake Fox

September 27, 2010 at 10:41 am